RMMetro - Know Your Metro - Green Promise


Water recycling plant

We have a water treatment plant to recycle water which is used to wash rakes/ metro trains. Four lakh litres of water is recycled every day. The metro rail is greener as it saves and recycles water and this recycled water is then used for washing and cleaning of trains.

Solar Panels

We have installed solar panels on all 12 Metro Stations and one at the Metro Depot for the Versova- Andheri – Ghatkopar Metro One corridor to meet our power needs.

The electricity generated from these solar panels is used for non-traction activities such as lighting – Depot and Metro stations, air-conditioning and maintenance.

Rain water harvesting

We have also installed a rain water harvesting plant in depot for conservation of rain water and reuse of the same.

This treated water is used for utilities at the wash basin, Automatic Train Wash plant etc.